Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The main problem, and will someone please translate this back, is only when we don 't feel safe around each other, being too much, taking too much of the food, knawing away at the birthright, there are those that are afraid, just like me, of us and ourculture and tthat it dare not include even the holy even the holy even the holy

Please feel safe, in away even when you're not just for the sake of being there with the other? they may desrve it even if they don't they may neeeed

hey maan what's going on tommorwo just the same party we''ve been waging since the dreumms first got skinned and were fighting to die on the dance floor if impossible

that's not what I mean

are you ready to die
NO , we said all together, oh god no, and our mother holds us our eyhes open and asks agiain are you ready to be

an we come out eh womb, dancingright?

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