Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Tinyana Pt. 2: The Scythian-Israel-Cannabis connection (+news and updates!)

(Appendix II to the work known as Cannabis Chassidis, recently adapted into a book)

Crucial to the history of World Cannabis Distribution were the Scythians. Cannabis Historian Chris Bennet describes:

The Scythians were a barbaric group of pre-Common Era nomadic tribes who are a fascinating example of an ancient cannabis using group. The Scythians played a very important part in the Ancient World from the seventh to first century BC. They were expert horsemen, and were one of the earliest peoples to master the art of riding and using horse-drawn covered wagons. This early high mobility is probably why most scholars credit them with the spread of cannabis knowledge throughout the ancient world. Indeed, the Scythian people travelled and settled extensively throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, and Russia, bringing their knowledge of the spiritual and practical uses for cannabis with them .

Who were these Scythians? Where did they come from? They seem to be Persian/Aryan, according to modern historical evidences , but some say…

While the house of Judah remained in the Promised Land for a time, many have puzzled over the fate and future of the ten tribes of Israel. Where did they go? While the Bible foretold that the tribes of Israel would scatter, literally, to all four directions (Genesis 28:14), the remainder of this article is devoted to connecting many of the exiled tribes of Israel to one largely ignored confederation of tribes which emerged afterward in the region of South Russia: the Scythians. ”

Genesis 48:16 records that Jacob (called “Israel”) blessed Ephraim and Manasseh with these words: “Let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac.” This blessing affirms that these two tribes will bear the name of Isaac upon them throughout history. This had occurred already before the ten tribes were sent into exile.

A prophecy in Amos 7:16 refers to the ten tribes of Israel (i.e. the “house of Israel” in verse 10) as “the house of Isaac.” In ancient times, vowels were not written, so the consonants of Isaac’s name would be “S-C” or “S-K” (dependent on the language in which the word appeared). Applying the prophetic clue in Genesis 21:12, we need to look for the exiled ten tribes of Israel by locating tribes which have Isaac’s name attached to them.

Sound ridiculous? This theory is not even acknowledged on Wikipedia, but it’s got a certain popularity to it, notably endorsed by former New York mayor Ed Koch on a visit to Scotland.

The term “Scythian” came to describe a lifestyle as much as a national ancestry, and all the peoples and tribes in the steppe region came to be known as “Scythians.” The term “Saka” or “Sacae” identifies the Israelite tribes in the region as that name preserves an ancestry from the Israelite patriarch, Isaac.

Secular reports that the Black Sea Scythians avoided the use of swine for any purpose and forbid idolatrous customs substantiates Jeremiah 3:11’s record wherein God stated: “backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.”

This is dated to approximately 620 B.C., the time when the Scythians had settled into the Black Sea regions. Since Jeremiah 3 records that Israel was then located “toward the north” of Jerusalem, and the Scythians lived to the north of Jerusalem in the Black Sea region, it is apparent that the Scythians were the ten tribes of Israel addressed by God in Jeremiah 3.

The rivers emptying into the Black Sea formerly had names such as the Ister, Tyras, Borysthenes and Tanais. After the Scythians entered that region, these rivers were given new Israelite names based on the name of the Israelite tribe of Dan. The new names of these rivers were the Danube, the Dniester, the Dnieper and the Don. The Israelite tribe of Dan had a tendency to re-name geographical locations after its own tribal name (Joshua 19:47)

The British Israelite movement, which argued that the Scythians are from Israel, and the Saxons are from Scythia, and that’s why the Brittish are holy people too (as if Christ didn’t save them from that kind of thinking?), has been thoroughly savaged by a range of sciences, including geneology and linguistics, leading some to try and argue that if the Lost Tribes didn’t originate the Scythians— many gave up on civilization after the Empires started dispersing everybody, and got together with the coolest liberated tribes they could find.

Historians tell of the mighty emperor Darius, who led his troops
into the steppes with the intention of subduing the Scythians and
adding their territory to his empire.

The Scythians were a nomadic people, and when they learned that Darius’ forces were to descend upon them, they broke camp and began a slow retreat. They moved at such a speed that though Darius’ armies could always descry them on the horizon, they were never able to close in. For days they fled ahead of the invaders—then weeks, months, leaving all the food in their wake destroyed and all the water poisoned; they led the intruding armies in circles, into the lands of neighboring peoples who attacked them, through unbroken deserts where gaunt vultures licked bleached bones. The proud warriors, accustomed to flaunting their bravado in swift, dramatic clashes, were in despair. Darius sent a message with his fastest courier, who was barely able to deliver it to the laziest straggler of the Scythian flank:

“As your ruler,” it read, “I order you to turn and fight!”

“If you are our ruler,” came the reply, scratched carelessly into a
rock face they came upon the next day, “go weep.”

Days later, after they had given up all hope, the scouts made out a line of Scythian horsemen charging forward across the plain. They were waving their swords excitedly and letting out great whoops of enthusiasm. Caught unprepared but relieved at the prospect of doing battle at last, the warriors took up their arms—only to discern, in confusion, that the Scythians were not charging their lines, but somewhat to the side of them. Looking closer, they made out that the horsemen were pursuing a rabbit. Upon this humiliation, the soldiers threatened mutiny, and Darius was forced to turn back and leave Scythia in defeat. Thus the Scythians entered history as the most unconquerable of clans by refusing to do battle

Cool folks, right? And for evidence that an Israelitic presence may have affected the Scythian culture profoundly, further excerpt from Chris Bennet’s history:

It could well be that in later times the cannabis smoke had somewhat mellowed the Scythians, and their spiritual leaders directed them towards becoming a more civilized people. The ancient Greek historian Ephorus wrote in the fourth century BC that the Scythians 'feed on mares milk and excel all men in justice'. His comments were followed in the first century BC by Strabo, who wrote that 'we regard the Scythians as the most just of men and the least prone to mischief, as also far more frugal and independent of others than we are.'

(book and tour info to follow, in time, inshallahzrat Hashem)


  1. Isaac8:19 PM

    Hey Yoseph
    Can I get your book before Pesach?

  2. nope 4/20 at the earliest.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    who was most frugal people in the ancient world but they had alot of money.but they were famous for money not but did not use it. i know the stoics but they also had a clean acethetic, fabulous life with a set modes/ way of conduct.i believe its between the greeks and israel most frugal people in the ancient world.

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    High Bud, Chris Bennett here, I've got a new book dealing with the Scyths, Hebrews and other cannabis using cultures coming out you might like to see email me also you know about my book on the Bible right? Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible

  5. Thank you Yoseph for doing what you are doing, bringing the sacred truth and wonder of Cannabis' history to the world.
    So much of our culture has been handed down with massive holes in it; holes that can only be filled with the facts left out for the sake of political and/or cultural convenience.
    Bless you
    rev. randi webster
    San Francisco, CA
